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But some veterans who fought in the Far East believe it is a snub to them and say they will boycott the official event His males are braggarts whose emotions stay on the surface if they have interior lives Walsh isnt interested in them But in the interest of brevity I now leave this short summary as it is I havent shaved for the day so short bristles of my beard pepper my chin With the directors of the hospital surrounding him plus the mayor of Pattaya Pairat Suthithamrongsawat the ceremonial bottle of bubbly was broached on the dais and the award acknowledged in fine style Their purpose is to disorient the public and put the media establishment and the Democrats on notice that no opposition to Bushs policies will be brooked Nor can you claim for a moment that they are rude or brusque And during these 60 years our Army maintained its visible bulwark of thousands of troops deployed against the worldwide threat of the Communist powers in Europe and Asia This ruling is a victory for a distant bureaucracy over democratically elected authorities acting in the public good We need to teach students that bylines and datelines represent a pact between the reporter and the reader viewer or listener
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