1. make conversant with ::
ጋር conversant ማድረግ
2. make familiar with ::
ጋር በደንብ ማድረግ
3. acquaint with ::
ጋር እንዲተዋወቁ
4. accustom to ::
ወደ accustom
5. habituate to ::
ወደ habituate
6. instruct in ::
ውስጥ ማስተማር
9. school in ::
በ ትምህርት ቤት
10. prime in ::
ጠቅላይ ውስጥ
11. introduce to ::
ጋር ለማስተዋወቅ
14. give the lowdown on ::
ላይ lowdown መስጠት
15. fill in on ::
በ ላይ ይሙሉ