English to Amharic Meaning of hold - ያዝ

Hold :

የያዘ, ያዝ, ገንዘብ መቀነስ, ኩቺኔታ, ደፍቶ, ቤተ መንግስት, ምሽግ, ግምብ, ግልብጥብጥ, ቁጥጥር, እጅ, ማስወገድ, የበላይነት, ትእዛዝ, ፈቃድ, ሥልጣን, መቆለፍ, ጠባቂ ቤት, ቀለህ, ክስ, ጎድጓዳ, መሸፈኛ, ቆዳ

ያዝ, ተኛ, ጠብቀው, አቆየ, ስብስብ, ቦታ, ያዘ, በ ለማቆም, መውሰድ, ነካ, የሚደርስብንን, ለመጽናት, ለመሸከም, ማለፍ, ታገሠ, ይዘዋል, ተያያዘው, ይመሰርታሉ, መልበስ, ለመቅረፍ, ቆይ, ማዳበሩ, እዚህ ውስጥ, ትቆማለች, አስቀድሞ ቦታ ያዘ, መጠበቅ, ገታ, መቆየት, ሳበ, አስደነቀ, መሳል, የሚመስጡ, አላቸው, አንድ ሰው ሚዛን መጠበቅ, ረገድ, ከግንዛቤ ውስጥ ክተተው, ከተሠራ, ማሰብ, ተመልከት, ዝግጅት, ማከናወን, ገደለ, ተርጉመውታል, ማክበር, መዘግየት, ዝግ ያለ, ታገደ, ወደ ኋላ ማስቀመጥ, ይቆጠቡ, ቢት, እቀጣቸውማለሁ, አርጋገጠ, ማጥበቅ, ማሸጊያ, ማስቲካ, መቀርቀሪያ, ዋጋ ይሆናል, የምትገኝ መሆን, አይኑር, መቀመጥ, ኖረ, ይቀመጣል, አስተናገደ, ይወርሳሉ, የማደጎ, ከፍ, ኣምጣ

ያዝዓይናቸው ተይዞይዛተካሄደ
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Definitions of hold in English
Noun(1) the act of grasping(2) understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something(3) power by which something or someone is affected or dominated(4) time during which some action is awaited(5) a state of being confined (usually for a short time(6) a stronghold(7) a cell in a jail or prison(8) the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it(9) the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
Verb(1) cause to continue in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., `keep clean'(2) have or hold in one's hands or grip(3) organize or be responsible for(4) have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense(5) keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view(6) maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings(7) to close within bounds, or otherwise limit or deprive of free movement(8) secure and keep for possible future use or application(9) have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices(10) be the physical support of; carry the weight of(11) contain or hold; have within(12) have room for; hold without crowding(13) remain in a certain state, position, or condition(14) support or hold in a certain manner(15) be valid, applicable, or true(16) assert or affirm
Examples of hold in English
(1) he is determined to hold down inflation(2) he caught hold of her arm(3) a strawberry margarita, but hold the tequila(4) I tightened my hold around her waist a little and kissed the top of her head.(5) His younger brother, Alfred, would hold this same office five years later.(6) he lost his hold and fell(7) It is a scandal that he is allowed to hold such a powerful position in the Republican Party.(8) O'Connell said they had eased their hold on him when he stopped struggling.(9) Their curiosity is endless and finding something to do which is engrossing enough to hold their attention for a while is difficult.(10) He really can't hold his drink well though, half a shandy and he started pouring his little heart out to me on the way back to the hotel.(11) hold your direction to the right(12) She shows that the upbeat view doesn't hold up in the face of a careful examination of the numbers.(13) Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan big enough to hold everything, including the pears.(14) Handwoven out of natural straw, the basket is large enough to hold everything for a daily outing.(15) A policeman caught hold of him and dragged him over the fence to safety, leaving him with nothing more serious than bruises.(16) they are trying to hold public spending to Ôö¼├║244.5 billion
Related Phrases of hold
(1) hold on ::
(2) hold back ::
(3) on hold ::
(4) to hold ::
(5) hold out ::
(6) hold down ::
ወደ ታች ይያዙ
(7) hold off ::
(8) get hold of ::
(9) hold in ::
ውስጥ ያዝ
1. grip ::
2. influence ::
3. control ::
4. detention ::
እሥር ቤት ማቆየት
5. grasp ::
6. delay ::
7. cargo hold ::
የጭነት መያዝ
8. keep ::
9. clasp ::
10. embrace ::
11. possess ::
12. support ::
13. detain ::
14. maintain ::
15. occupy ::
16. take ::
17. persist ::
በጥንካሬ ሠራ
18. be available ::
19. convene ::
ጉባኤ ሰበሰበ
20. stop ::
21. carry ::
22. apply ::
23. book ::
24. obligate ::
25. concord ::
26. defend ::
27. contain ::
28. restrain ::
29. obtain ::
30. deem ::
31. withstand ::
32. adjudge ::
ብሎ መፍረድ
33. halt ::
34. retain ::
35. give ::
36. bear ::
37. harbor ::
38. have got ::
39. take hold ::
ያዝ መውሰድ
40. admit ::
1. release ::
2. relinquish ::
3. surrender ::
እጅን ሰጠ
4. yield ::
Different Forms
hold, holden, holds
Word Example from TV Shows
and that his sons and grandsons
shall hold this honor

and that his sons and grandsons shall HOLD this honor

Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 8

- All right. Come on, Sheldon.
- Hold on.

- All right. Come on, Sheldon. - Hold on.

The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 5

Hold on, you actually want me
to deceive your father...

Hold on, you actually want me to deceive your father...

The Big Bang Theory Season 4, Episode 9

How much urine
do these suits hold?

How much urine do these suits HOLD?

The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 24

crows aren't the only ones
who can hold a grudge.

crows aren't the only ones who can HOLD a grudge.

The Big Bang Theory Season 12, Episode 7

English to Amharic Dictionary: hold

Meaning and definitions of hold, translation in Amharic language for hold with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of hold in Amharic and in English language.

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