English to Amharic Meaning of reason - ምክንያት

Reason :

ክርክር, ምክንያት, ማስረጃ, ሐሳብ, ስለ, ጊዜ, መሠረት, አእምሮ, እናስታውቃችኋለን, የአእምሮ ማስተዋል ችሎታ, ግንዛቤ, ዓላማ, ግብ, ተወያየ, ዉይይት, የማስተዋል ጥበብ, ሥር, ጉዳይ, ችሎታ, ኃይል, ሥልጣን, የሞራል, ኀይል, ፍርድ, ዉሳኔ, ዳኝነት, ይገባችኋል, አስረጂ የሆነ, ግዴታ, ተግባር, ያስፈልጋቸዋል, ፍላጎት, እፈልጋለሁ, ጥቅም

ይከራከራሉ, ምክንያት, ተወያዩ, ቴስት, መመርመር, ሙከራ, ማረጋገጥ, ለመግለጽ, ለልጆቻቸው, እንተርካለን, ግጥም አነበበ, ዝርዝር, አንድ ሰው አእምሮ ተግባራዊ, ጋር ምን አለን, መናገር, ምስጋና ይግባውና

ምክንያትይነጋገር ነበርreasonerreasonersማስረጃምክንያቶች
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Definitions of reason in English
Noun(1) a rational motive for a belief or action(2) an explanation of the cause of some phenomenon(3) the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination(4) the state of having good sense and sound judgment(5) a justification for something existing or happening(6) a fact that logically justifies some premise or conclusion
Verb(1) decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion(2) present reasons and arguments(3) think logically
Examples of reason in English
(1) Just because someone knocks on your door, phones you or stops you in the street is not good enough reason to change your mind.(2) I tried to reason with her, but without success(3) Sweetening the pot within reason to keep it out of their hands does make sense.(4) the only reason she comes here is to read the paper(5) we have reason to celebrate(6) An argument is a form of reasoning whereby one gives a reason or reasons in support of some claim.(7) Rangers supporters will now believe it is possible for them to have reason to tickle these next Sunday.(8) One reason why this event may reverberate is exactly that disconnect.(9) she is in danger of losing her reason(10) The size is pretty much irrelevant, as is the amount of water, within reason .(11) You can take advantage of this by waiting until the last minute and - within reason - naming your price.(12) The foundation also showed that liking an area was the main reason why people did not live closer to their work.(13) Men are marked off from other animals by possessing reason and the power of thought.(14) it is hard to know for the simple reason that few records survive(15) He thinks and learns systematically and is drawn to using logic and reason to prove and understand his faith.(16) they won't pay the fine, not without reason
Related Phrases of reason
(1) the reason ::
(2) for this reason ::
ለዚህ ምክንያት
(3) for that reason ::
በዚያ ምክንያት
(4) for no reason ::
ምንም ምክንያት
(5) for some reason ::
በሆነ ምክንያት
(6) main reason ::
ዋና ምክንያት
(7) the reason why ::
ምክንያት ለምን
(8) without reason ::
ምክንያት ያለ
(9) within reason ::
ምክንያት ውስጥ
(10) for what reason ::
በምን ምክንያት
1. cause ::
2. rationality ::
3. sanity ::
4. good sense ::
ጥሩ ስሜት
6. ground ::
8. intellect ::
የአእምሮ ማስተዋል ችሎታ
9. think rationally ::
በምክንያታዊነት ማሰብ
10. calculate ::
11. bring around ::
ዙሪያ ለማምጣት
12. argue ::
13. conclude ::
1. consequence ::
ያስከተለዉ ነገር
2. corollary ::
3. development ::
4. effect ::
5. fate ::
6. fruit ::
7. issue ::
ርዕሰ ጉዳይ
8. outcome ::
9. outgrowth ::
ልጅ የመውለድ
10. product ::
11. result ::
12. sequel ::
13. sequence ::
14. upshot ::
Different Forms
reason, reasoned, reasoner, reasoners, reasoning, reasons
Word Example from TV Shows
Clegane, we're here for a reason.

Clegane, we're here for a REASON.

Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 8

You're the only
reason I deserve one.

You're the only REASON I deserve one.

The Big Bang Theory Season 12, Episode 13

What's the worst reason you have
for turning me against my sister?

What's the worst REASON you have for turning me against my sister?

Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 7

He gave a failed, drunk priest
the power to bring him back for a reason.

He gave a failed, drunk priest the power to bring him back for a REASON.

Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 8

I have good reason to be.

I have good REASON to be.

Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 1

English to Amharic Dictionary: reason

Meaning and definitions of reason, translation in Amharic language for reason with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of reason in Amharic and in English language.

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