English to Amharic Meaning of store - መደብር

Store :

መደብር, ከዚህ የውድ, ግምጃ ቤት, ጎተራ, በከተማችን, የዕቃ ቤት, ሊሰቃይ, ማጠራቀሚያ, መያዣ, መቀበያ, ዕቃ, ሱቅ, ገበያ, የተሰበሰበ ገንዘብ, መዋኛ ቦታ, አጣጣሎች, ማስቀመጥ, ስንዴውንም, የሚቀናቀን, ምሽግ, መሠረት, ቤት, መኖሪያቸውም, ሀብት, መፍላታቸው, በማንባት, የሚሰኙ, የፈሰሰው, የእምነት, ክፍል, አዳራሽ, አሣቂ ሰዉ, Joker, ዕቃ ቤት, ማስመሰል, ተቀማጭም, ሸፉን, ቅርጫት, መኖሪያ ቤት, ካኖንቦል, ኳስ, ጎጠራ, በኦሞ, በተለያዩ ክፎሎች የተደራጀ ግዙፍ ማከፋፈያ, የንግድ ዕቃ, የኪዮስክ, ሕዋስ, የሴት አባለ ዘር, ከረጢት, ትንሽ መዝገበ ቃላት, አክሲዮን, መዝገብ, መሰብሰብ, ምሰሶ, ፉቀ, በ ተኛ, አስቀድሞ ቦታ ያዘ, በ ተዘጋጅቷል, በአንድ መጋዘን ውስጥ ማከማቸት, ታንክ, በጣም, q ቆንጆ ሳንቲም, ተስፋፍቷል, ቶን, ድምጽ

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Definitions of store in English
Noun(1) a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services(2) a supply of something available for future use(3) an electronic memory device(4) a depository for goods
Verb(1) keep or lay aside for future use(2) find a place for and put away for storage
Examples of store in English
(1) Here, the dollar is ubiquitous as a store of value, a measure of wealth and a pricing mechanism.(2) There is also strong demand for gold bars as a store of value.(3) The old fashioned gold standard was that money is a store of wealth not a generator of wealth.(4) the squirrel has a store of food(5) During these five years, the child builds up a store of knowledge about the environment, masters motor skills, and learns to look after itself.(6) Mathematics became for me, not a store of past knowledge, but creative activity of the highest form, directed towards the future.(7) her vast store of knowledge(8) a well-stocked village store(9) a grain store(10) The grant was used to purchase a new examination light for the Children's Ward treatment room, plus a new fridge to store vaccinations.(11) there's a loaf of store bread(12) Even the biggest bookstores don't have enough room to store a fraction of the new books that wash in and out, like foam on a tide.(13) I could remove all the CDs and tapes from my living room and store them away for good.(14) I wonder how many homes have a store of plastic bags, also to be seen floating about in the trees and spoiling the landscape.(15) The first block to be completed houses a grocery store on the ground floor.(16) they do not ship or store well
Related Phrases of store
(1) department store ::
በተለያዩ ክፎሎች የተደራጀ ግዙፍ ማከፋፈያ
(2) book store ::
መጽሐፍ መደብር
(3) clothing store ::
ልብስ መደብር
(4) toy store ::
የመጫወቻ መደብር
(5) shoe store ::
የጫማ መደብር
(6) music store ::
ሙዚቃ መደብር
(7) convenience store ::
አመቺ መደብር
(8) candy store ::
ከረሜላ መደብር
(9) hardware store ::
የሃርድዌር መደብር
(10) clothes store ::
ልብስ መደብር
1. stock ::
2. storeroom ::
ዕቃ ቤት
4. shop ::
5. memory ::
6. storage ::
7. keep ::
8. salt away ::
ጨው ራቅ
Different Forms
store, stored, stores, storing
Word Example from TV Shows
...my favorite comic-book store
burned down...

...my favorite comic-book STORE burned down...

The Big Bang Theory Season 8, Episode 1

exploring ways
to store kinetic energy.

exploring ways to STORE kinetic energy.

The Big Bang Theory Season 11, Episode 13

Saturday night
at the comic-book store...

Saturday night at the comic-book STORE...

The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 5

Oh, what a cute little store.

Oh, what a cute little STORE.

The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 20

than drive you all the way
to the

than drive you all the way to the "good" model train STORE

The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 15

English to Amharic Dictionary: store

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