Topic Wise Words

Topic Science:: PAGE #6

:: He saw early action in North Africa where he was awarded a Military Cross and bar:: The component also enables the operator to set tolerance limits for important operating parameters and activates an alarm when deviation from these ranges occurs:: Thermal noise typically originates in the amplifiers :: Past the halfmark it morphs into a more ambitious and complex construction as the strings are given more scope and amplitude but as they soon retract to the background the original airy structure returns:: The knife was like a pocket knife but bigger the blade was still sharp:: We successfully used biofeedback devices basically moisture sensors linked to buzzers to wake the children up when necessary together with a rewards programme:: The functional groups of iron hydroxides may sequestrate some cations and anions:: The circuit judges ruling left things as they are for the moment:: We should have a polygon inscribed in the circle the sides of which coincide with the circumference of the circle:: If so I can assure you as a practical aeronautical engineer that such a trip is neither fantastic nor impractical:: Multiply your X factor by 159 to reach a daily total of 2067 calories a day:: New technology is allowing radio stations to offer digital and analog signals on the same frequency :: Therefore we oppose the establishment parties which have increasingly distanced themselves from the mass of the population:: marketing material:: Developing leaf tissue provides an alternative model system in which to study mitochondrial biogenesis:: Only mononuclear protoplasts were capable of complete cell wall regeneration and mitotic division:: A great score by Krzystof Penderecki and gorgeous cinematography keep the ear and eye riveted even while the brain is in meltdown:: Heres the sequence of events when someone is having their reaction time measured:: If a planet is situated in a sign which opposes its own it is said to be in detriment a word which literally means to be harmed or damaged:: At all times and in all hours they were in deep consultation and Margarot was observed to say to Campbell with a significant wink keep an eye on the old gentleman meaning me:: Both BMW and Renault have shown concepts where valves are opened using electronic solenoids while Fiat has demonstrated a hydraulic system:: Imagine that you are surrounded by an outer shell that is made of a solid material so strong that nothing can get through to hurt you:: First the writer needs to get his facts straight before he goes off on a tangent like that:: The animals are hooked up to milking machines with timers on them:: They have now at this point five times more the number of seats in parliament than they had before:: Pour into the baking tin and bake for 30 to 35 minutes until crusty on top and still a bit squidgy inside
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